Toggles the lever in the warhead room, affecting the Makes SCP-173 have a jack-o-lantern head. Godmode makes it so you cannot die, but SCP-106 can still take you to his pocket dimension, and you can still die from bloodloss. If no ending is specified, a default ending screen will appear. Immediately brings up the specified ending screen with the appropriate dialogue. If 'string' equals anything else, toggles infinitestamina.ĭisplays status information about the player, SCP-173, SCP-106, SCP-096 if spawned, the current room event, and all currently spawned MTF units. If 'string' is equal to "off", "0", or "false", turns infinitestamina off. If 'string' is equal to "on", "1", or "true", turns infinite stamina on. Shows the texture name and where you are looking at on the texture. Fog begins at 'CameraFogNear' units away from the camera and becomes completely opaque at 'CameraFogFar' units away from the camera. Must be set to a value between 0.0 and 2.0. Sets wireframe, godmode and noclip to on. Shows SCP-173's state and if it is in game. Shows SCP-106's state and if it is in game.Ĭhanges SCP-173's movement speed to 'Speed' Resets SCP-096 back to its idle, sitting down state.Ĭhanges SCP-106's movement speed to 'Speed'

Shows SCP-096's state and if it is in game. Note that the command is not checked, so it may cause errors when used.

It can be obtained by spawning as Chaos Insurgency or typing in "spawnitem veryfinenv" in the Console. The Very Fine Night Vision Goggles is a variation obtained through SCP-914 using the "Very Fine" setting. Other players (including MTF and researchers).It can also be obtained by typing in "spawnitem supernv" in the Console. It has a blue tint when worn, and is obtained by putting Night vision goggles in SCP-914 and turning the knob to "Fine". The Super Night Vision Goggles have the ability to detect SCPs and other players through walls. It can also be obtained by spawning as a Nine-Tailed Fox unit. It can be refined in SCP-914 to get 2 different variations of the NVG. The NVG can be found in the Server Farm Room and SCP-895 containment chamber.