To make this one easy, place one Roller Mine in the front left corner, one B1 Melee Droid in the front right corner, another B1 Melee Droid in the second to last slot on the back right, and a Flametrooper in the back right corner. Much like Wave One, Turgle's forces have a heavy melee focus in Wave Two, so to combat this, we'll want to play a mixture of melee and range troops. This is an effective combination as the Roller Mine will target Turgle's two melee Scout Trooper Commanders, who will group together to take out the Roller Mine, which will surge ahead of the BD-1 Droid, whose sole purpose is to clean up any troops should they not be taken out by the Mine.

During Wave One with Turgle, we recommend using a Roller Mine and a B1 Droid - Melee.